A simple answer that requires very little explanation. It's a lie of course, since I have nowhere near served the time in academia to associate myself with such an occupation.
The problem is, I often get asked by friends and family the dreaded question, "So what is it that you do exactly?". I find this difficult to explain sometimes, particularly to people who have never used the Internet... believe it or not, there are still Internet laggards out there (mum and dad).
What I have noticed is that too often, we take all of this fancy marketing jargon and Internet speak for granted, as if we are speaking some sort of alien language. We get enough of that on the web already... AAMOF LMAO ATM etc etc. And what's worse, it's one that some people seem to get a kick out of. If I met one of my fellow Trekies, for example, I might (but wouldn't) say something like:
"I manage global search engine marketing (PPC and SEO), develop web engagement and social media strategies, and lead acquisition and conversion initiatives to maximize web marketing contribution".
WTF? This may be fair enough to the group of special handshakers amongst us, but it is defintely asking for a Glasgae kiss from anyone else; almost like the "refuse collection specialist" who was a dustbin man. On the other hand, there is the danger of oversimplifying. For example, I could say:
"I fanny about on Google and Facebook all day".Amusing as it is, it just doesn't quite do it justice. So I gave it a little more thought, and this is what I came up with:
"I help people find what they are looking for. I’m like a tour guide. I take people to our web site, help get them to the information they need, and if they like what they see, I introduce them to the locals; our sales people".
Hopefully at that point, our sales folks would help them choose a product (or bunch of products) to fit their needs, in a way that cannot be achieved over the web - especially when products are expensive and solutions to problems can be far ranging, even unique. Just to put it into context, I haven't been able to add a Black Hawk to my online shopping cart on Amazon lately (or at least, not one that doesn't appear under the toys and games section).
Definitely work in progress, definitely room for improvement. I would love to hear about any other funny responses or from anyone who has found themselves in similar predicaments. That is, regarding the "what is it you do?" question, as opposed to the lack of military helicopters for sale on Amazon.